生锈的, orange water coming out of your faucet is usually a dead giveaway that you’re dealing with high levels of iron in your water. 然而, you could also have iron that is practically invisible or appears as tiny flakes in your glass. Even the small amounts of “clear water” iron can leave rust stains on your sink and fixtures after the water dries.

While iron is not considered a contaminant with any harmful side effects to health, 它肯定会对水质产生负面影响. 除了你家的水不吸引人的外表, 铁还会引起其他家庭头痛.

高铁会使饮用水、咖啡和茶尝起来像金属一样. Food cooked in water with iron may become discolored and have an odd flavor, too. 熨斗会留下难看的污渍 织物和固定装置,如水槽和厕所. +, 它会导致管道问题,因为它会在你的管道内积聚, 甚至水处理设备也会被铁渣粘住.

说到365体育APP下载的身体,铁是一种重要的营养物质, 但大多数人从食物中获得所需铁的95%. 在美国,典型的自来水只提供 只有FDA每日推荐摄入量的5%.

So, if iron is causing more issues than benefits, why not remove it from your home’s water?

与普遍的看法相反,a 标准的软水器不足以解决铁问题. 铁在水中以不同的形式出现, and there are a variety of ways to improve quality using unique in-home water treatment solutions. 让365体育APP下载仔细看看……


有时是铁(Fe)+3)是肉眼可见的. This type of iron is insoluble, or does not dissolve in water, because it has been oxidized. So, if you’re seeing discoloration from what’s often described as “red-water iron,“是三铁.

三铁也被称为沉淀铁或铁 胶体 因为水中漂浮着微小的“铁尘”颗粒. 三铁可能会导致染色和其他问题, but a water treatment expert may be able to remove red-water iron using the right type of filtration media.

Greensand +™是一种用于铁过滤的常用介质. 然而, 这种介质需要用高锰酸钾进行充电, which some homeowners wish to avoid for safety reasons because it is a caustic chemical.

Another option for iron filtration is a water treatment media made from a 合成沸石被称为晶体权利®它对去除铁和锰有着贪婪的胃口. Crystal-Right® 可以是一个理想 家庭从井里取水的媒体.


亚铁(Fe)+2) is the second type that is dissolved in water, and it cannot be seen – at least not at first.

Leave a glass containing what’s often called “clear water iron” out on the counter for a while and watch what happens. You will notice that tiny reddish particles are settling at the bottom of the glass. That’s because the ferrous iron is being exposed to oxygen in the air and turning into ferric iron.

Oxidation is a necessary step in treating water with dissolved iron so that there is a tangible particle for the media to filter out. While media like Greensand + contain oxygen that helps in the process, many times an iron filtration system with a dedicated air chamber is needed. This equipment injects air into the top of the tank to transform ferrous iron into particulates for removal.

水权提供 印象® +系列铁过滤器. These systems can also remove manganese and small amounts of sulfur, the latter of which causes that 住宅用水有臭鸡蛋味.

As long as the iron stays dissolved and is never oxidized, it will not cause 染色. 然而, you can still taste it just as you would be able to taste table salt that’s dissolved in water.

But as explained earlier, ferrous iron becomes ferric when exposed to oxygen. That’s why clear water iron that sits in a tub or toilet will eventually leave an orange ring. 铁含量低至0.百万分之三就会造成污渍. 换句话说,如果是0.你那杯水里00003%的水都含有铁, 你可以期待锈迹遍布你的家!. 这不是很多!

You may be thinking you’ll just add bleach to your laundry to help keep them white, but bleach is an oxidizer that will also convert dissolved iron to particulates. That’s why some people notice water in the washing machine turning tan when bleach is added. 向游泳池中加入氯也会发生同样的情况, 没有人愿意在锈迹斑斑的水中游泳.


Sometimes, iron combines with other material in groundwater to cause even more problems. Organically bound iron forms when the iron attaches to what are called tannins in the water.

单宁是来自树叶的有机物, 树根, and other types of vegetation that dissolve and ferment in the groundwater supply – almost like a tea. 类似于铁, 单宁不会对健康造成危害, 只有审美问题,如水变色, 染色, 还有霉味.

Positively charged iron ions are attracted to negatively charged organic matter and can bind to some tannins. This makes it more difficult to effectively remove dissolved iron without additional filtration.

为了解决这一问题,水权提供了 印象® 加单宁过滤器.


This somewhat disgusting water quality issue isn’t as much a type of iron so much as a result of having iron in your home’s water.

某些种类的细菌以溶解的铁为食获取能量. 铁细菌对人体健康无害, 但它盛宴的副产品是棕色的, 水铁氧化后形成的胶状黏液.

You may notice this gunk growing in the back of your toilet tank where it can leave stains and cause a foul odor. Iron bacteria can also build up on your well screen and in your appliances and plumbing.

The slime these microorganisms produce may even cause problems in your water softener. That’s one reason why 水权 developed a pair of innovations that help disinfect water treatment systems. 365体育APP下载的专利 氯发生器 can prevent bacteria buildup in your water softener or Crystal-Right equipment, and our 臭氧发生器 is a chemical-free option that oxidizes and cleans air-injected filtration systems.


铁是地球上最丰富的元素, 它可以在地壳中找到, 这意味着 拥有水井的房主 地下水水质问题往往与铁有关. 但是,它也可以从家里的金属管道中渗出.

在大多数情况下, 修复高铁水不是一个DIY项目 in which you can simply install a water softener you bought at a big box store. 你需要一个懂的当地专家 你所在地区的水质 and can recommend the right methods of filtration based on an official analysis.

When you’re ready to stop scrubbing iron stains and get the kind of water quality your family deserves, turn to trustworthy specialists with the knowledge and the equipment to provide a solution.





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